• England,  Throwback,  Travel

    Getting to Know London

    Public transport in London is absolutely amazing, yet I find myself walking everywhere all the time. It’s not even about saving money, it’s just about a general feeling of ease and the discovery of hidden gems made possible only by walking around London. When Shannon and I did our two-month backpacking trip in Europe, we dedicated four days to this lovely city. During that time, we saw a lot because we walked pretty much everywhere.  June 2015 The bus ride from Inverness to London was supposed to take twelve hours, but due to traffic, it took fourteen. Our forty-five-minute stopover in Edinburgh ended up being twenty, leaving us little time…

  • London
    England,  Throwback,  Travel

    London Festivals and Street Art

    I know I’ve traditionally posted throwback posts on Thursdays in honor of the whole “Throwback Thursday” idea. However, I’ve decided to do away with that tradition and give some love to the other days of the week. Since I am currently still in London, due to COIVD restrictions and I haven’t done much other than work. I’ve decided to do a series of posts about previous visits to London, the first of which I now present to you. Cheers! June 2015 The story of how we got the tickets goes something like this: While teaching a high school art class I received a text from my best friend Shannon. It…

  • moving London
    Thoughts,  Travel

    Acclimating to New Places: When Moving Becomes Normal

    I’ve always been astounded at how quickly one can acclimate to new places. Forget about jet lag and travel fatigue. I’m talking about that familiar feeling you get once you’ve grown accustomed to a place. The first time I left the US was in 2012. I moved to South Korea on a yearlong contract to teach English. Although I had traveled quite a bit within the US, I’d had never been to a foreign country. Not even Mexico or Canada—and I’m half Canadian for goodness sakes! After a couple of months in Korea, it became my life. It was almost as if nothing existed before that, although obviously it had.…