Australia: Looking Back

On my flight back to California, I spent my time alternating between blogging and watching Star Trek: Discovery. When I attempted to write this post, I realized that I couldn’t, as, to quote one of my favorite shows, I was “emotionally compromised.”

I had held it together pretty well, shedding a few tears while making a farewell Facebook post, but when the first boarding call came over the speakers I broke down. The crying didn’t stop until we were in the air and I managed to lose myself in SciFi. 

Travel is difficult in countless ways. There are those of us, however, who find the pros outweigh the cons. Australia became a second home to me; having to say goodbye nearly broke my heart. It was the end of a chapter; the final page of a book that I wanted to keep reading.

Yet, the beauty of travel is even when the last page is finished and the book is closed and set on an end table to collect dust; there is always the opportunity for a sequel. The possibilities are endless and although the characters may change the essence remains. 

Australia changed me, helped me become a better me, not only because of the setting but the people as well. Some of them will never again cross my path, and that’s ok. Their presence still affected change in my life, even if it was fleeting. 

After being home for a week it’s the little things I find myself missing: the on/off switches on outlets, the roundabouts, having people ask me, “How you going?”

I miss the smell of people cooking in the hostel, the steady bumps behind the wheel of Hagrid, the gentle strumming of Looci’s guitar, and the color of the ceiling from my loft bed. Most of all I miss the endless hugs and wordless understanding of those who knew me almost better than I knew myself. 

Australia captured my heart; it snuck up behind me and before I knew it I was hopelessly lost. It was a country of many faces, of endless exploration, and some of the fondest memories I’ll ever have.