• Poems

    She Wakes with the Rain

    I wrote this poem a little over a year ago when I was coping with a bout of depression. At the time I had just returned to the UK after a whirlwind trip with lots of rushing around. I was coping with a lot of uncertainty, including living situation, relationship doubts, work stress, and general direction in life. Rereading it, I reflect on how important it is to acknowledge the darker parts of ourselves and to hold them with love and care. Pushing those parts away, holding them at arm’s length, only creates division within ourselves and ultimately prevents us from having meaningful, lasting, and connected relationships with those around…

  • Travel

    Post Thru-Hiking Depression: 6 Practices to Help You Fight It

    Woo, you completed your thru-hike! You walked for hours each and every day over mountains, across rivers, through thigh-deep mud or snow; fighting off frozen fingers, mischievous wildlife, and the occasional rouge tree root; and you made it! You accomplished something most people only dream about! Now what? The adventure is over and “real life” is knocking at your door. It’s no surprise depression often choses this moment to rear its ugly head.    Think about it. You just spent months outside, sleeping under the stars, pushing your body past its limits, and forging deep meaningful relationships. Transitioning back into “normal” life can often prove more difficult than the hike…

  • hiking, travel, mountains, big bear, waterfall


    It’s been a beat since my last post; life has been doing its thing, and time has run away with me again. Normally, I’ve got several posts lined up to go public automatically, but right now the queue is only one post long. Just a quick note: this post is more of a reflective and educational one rather than about all the awesome adventures I’m undertaking. A few updates: I’m working two jobs, trying to go to the gym every day, socializing with friends on a regular basis, saving as much money as possible, and spending a good amount of time reading on public transit. Writing, both my blog and…