• Throwback Thursday

    Idle Afternoon

    Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) was an original essay by Mary Schmich and made famous by Baz Luhrmann when he turned it into a speaking song. In it the listener is given a plethora of advice relating to how one should live their life. One piece is not to worry about the future, “The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind. The kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.” On Tuesday the 13th of July, at 4:23pm I was hit by a car while crossing a street. It certainly wasn’t something that I had worried about, though it…

  • hiking, travel, mountains, big bear, waterfall


    It’s been a beat since my last post; life has been doing its thing, and time has run away with me again. Normally, I’ve got several posts lined up to go public automatically, but right now the queue is only one post long. Just a quick note: this post is more of a reflective and educational one rather than about all the awesome adventures I’m undertaking. A few updates: I’m working two jobs, trying to go to the gym every day, socializing with friends on a regular basis, saving as much money as possible, and spending a good amount of time reading on public transit. Writing, both my blog and…

  • South Korea,  Throwback Thursday

    TBT Holiday Edition

    This is a holiday edition Throwback Thursday post. It’s about the first time I was away for the holidays and the emotions and thoughts the experience inspired. Enjoy! November 2012 The past month has been uneventful in the best ways possible. It has given me a chance to forge stronger friendships, catch up on TV shows, and explore the local scene. Although, it is rare that everyone from work comes together to hang out, an opportunity presented itself when we celebrated Thanksgiving. With almost equal numbers of Canadian’s and American’s we had to make it fair and pick a neutral day. So, we went with the first weekend of November.…