• Travel

    Post Thru-Hiking Depression: 6 Practices to Help You Fight It

    Woo, you completed your thru-hike! You walked for hours each and every day over mountains, across rivers, through thigh-deep mud or snow; fighting off frozen fingers, mischievous wildlife, and the occasional rouge tree root; and you made it! You accomplished something most people only dream about! Now what? The adventure is over and “real life” is knocking at your door. It’s no surprise depression often choses this moment to rear its ugly head.    Think about it. You just spent months outside, sleeping under the stars, pushing your body past its limits, and forging deep meaningful relationships. Transitioning back into “normal” life can often prove more difficult than the hike…

  • Te Araroa

    Te Araroa: The Queen Charlotte Track

    14.01.2020 Day 78 (0km) It was a beautiful day to take the ferry across to Picton. Birds raced the ship through the harbour and out towards the straight. It still amazes me how clean the water is in this part of the world. Back home, leaving LA, the water is always murky green or brown; but here it’s clear sapphire.  I spent most of the voyage chatting with another TA hiker while sitting in the sun at the back of the boat. Occasionally, we moved to one of the upper decks to enjoy the views, especially when we hit the sounds of the South Island. Sarah and I spent the…

  • Australia

    A Quick Stroll in Nature

    It was a warm day, only made bearable by the cool breeze that blew through the canyon. The foliage was a dry green striving to blend with the red earth. Weeds and dry grasses hung limply along the trail edge; having abandoned the hope of rain. The path hugged the canyon wall, leaving a steep drop to the clear stream below. It had been four years since I had last seen Jordan, but it was like no time had passed at all. The conversation flowed with ease as we bridged topics of time, films, and the workings of the world. Though I was out of the city and surrounded by…